How to Change Minecraft Server Difficulty
There are four different difficulty levels for Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition, which are peaceful, easy, normal, and hard modes.
There are a couple of ways that you could do to change the difficulty of your Minecraft server, you could:
Run a command either in game or on the server console to change the current difficulty.
Change the server's properties, which will change the difficulty after restarting the Minecraft server and persist until the setting in the server's properties has changed.
In this guide, we will show you how to change the difficulty of your Minecraft server using both methods.
There are a few different difficulty levels that you can switch to:
Peaceful mode - On Peaceful difficulty, most hostile mobs can't spawn: except for Shulkers, Hoglins, Piglins, Piglin Brutes (Bedrock Edition), and the Ender Dragon. Neutral mobs like Endermen and zombified Piglins also can't spawn, and summoned (spawned in using commands) mobs that are banned on peaceful are removed instantly. Players regenerate health quickly, the hunger bar never depletes, and TNT only causes knockback. Pillager raids can't occur, many resources and advancements are inaccessible, and dispensers can't summon the wither. End portals can't be activated without switching to a higher difficulty for eyes of ender, though rare world seeds may generate fully activated portals.
Easy mode - On Easy difficulty, hostile mobs spawn with reduced damage. The hunger bar can deplete to a minimum of 10HP. Cave Spiders and Bees don't poison players, while the Wither doesn’t inflict the Wither effect, and lightning only ignites struck blocks. Zombies can’t break doors or convert villagers, and don’t wear full armor. Raids consist of 3–4 waves based on the Raid Omen level.
Normal mode - In Normal difficulty, hostile mobs spawn, deal standard damage, and deplete the hunger bar, which can reduce health to 1HP if empty. Zombies can't break doors but can turn villagers into zombie villagers 50% of the time. Zombies and Skeletons may wear enchanted armor, and Vindicators can break doors. Pillager raids consist of 5–6 waves, depending on the Raid Omen level.
Hard mode - In Hard difficulty, hostile mobs inflict 1.5× Normal damage and may drop better loot. The hunger bar can completely deplete, resulting in the player's death. Zombies can break down doors, spawn reinforcements, and always convert Villagers into Zombie Villagers. In Java Edition, Spiders may spawn with permanent status effects. Pillagers attack players, causing 4–5 HP damage. Raids consist of 7–8 waves, depending on the level of the Raid Omen.
You can change the current difficulty in game or on the server console, and the change will last until the server restarts.
On the server's panel, go to the Console Tab and click the "Type a command..." box.

Enter difficulty <peaceful | easy | normal | hard> to change the difficulty. Once entered, the server will tell you the difficulty changed.

Note: To proceed, you must give yourself operator permissions(or OP for short) in game. You can read our article on how to OP and de-OP a player on your Minecraft server.
Join the Minecraft server, and open the in game chat.
Enter /difficulty <peaceful | easy | normal | hard> in the chat to change the difficulty. Once entered, the server will tell you the difficulty changed.

You can set the difficulty of newly generated worlds or the difficulty that the Minecraft server will use from now on.
On the server's panel, go to the Properties Tab and change the value in the difficulty setting to peaceful, easy, normal, or `hard`(For older version of Minecraft Java, it would be 0 for peaceful, 1 for easy, 2 for normal` and 3 for hard).

Restart the Minecraft server.
On the server's panel, go to the Startup Tab and change the value in the difficulty setting to peaceful, easy, normal, or hard.

Restart the Minecraft server.
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There are a couple of ways that you could do to change the difficulty of your Minecraft server, you could:
Run a command either in game or on the server console to change the current difficulty.
Change the server's properties, which will change the difficulty after restarting the Minecraft server and persist until the setting in the server's properties has changed.
In this guide, we will show you how to change the difficulty of your Minecraft server using both methods.
Difficulty Levels
There are a few different difficulty levels that you can switch to:
Peaceful mode - On Peaceful difficulty, most hostile mobs can't spawn: except for Shulkers, Hoglins, Piglins, Piglin Brutes (Bedrock Edition), and the Ender Dragon. Neutral mobs like Endermen and zombified Piglins also can't spawn, and summoned (spawned in using commands) mobs that are banned on peaceful are removed instantly. Players regenerate health quickly, the hunger bar never depletes, and TNT only causes knockback. Pillager raids can't occur, many resources and advancements are inaccessible, and dispensers can't summon the wither. End portals can't be activated without switching to a higher difficulty for eyes of ender, though rare world seeds may generate fully activated portals.
Easy mode - On Easy difficulty, hostile mobs spawn with reduced damage. The hunger bar can deplete to a minimum of 10HP. Cave Spiders and Bees don't poison players, while the Wither doesn’t inflict the Wither effect, and lightning only ignites struck blocks. Zombies can’t break doors or convert villagers, and don’t wear full armor. Raids consist of 3–4 waves based on the Raid Omen level.
Normal mode - In Normal difficulty, hostile mobs spawn, deal standard damage, and deplete the hunger bar, which can reduce health to 1HP if empty. Zombies can't break doors but can turn villagers into zombie villagers 50% of the time. Zombies and Skeletons may wear enchanted armor, and Vindicators can break doors. Pillager raids consist of 5–6 waves, depending on the Raid Omen level.
Hard mode - In Hard difficulty, hostile mobs inflict 1.5× Normal damage and may drop better loot. The hunger bar can completely deplete, resulting in the player's death. Zombies can break down doors, spawn reinforcements, and always convert Villagers into Zombie Villagers. In Java Edition, Spiders may spawn with permanent status effects. Pillagers attack players, causing 4–5 HP damage. Raids consist of 7–8 waves, depending on the level of the Raid Omen.
Changing the Difficulty Via Commands
You can change the current difficulty in game or on the server console, and the change will last until the server restarts.
Modifying the Difficulty in the Server Console
On the server's panel, go to the Console Tab and click the "Type a command..." box.

Enter difficulty <peaceful | easy | normal | hard> to change the difficulty. Once entered, the server will tell you the difficulty changed.

Modifying the Difficulty in Game
Note: To proceed, you must give yourself operator permissions(or OP for short) in game. You can read our article on how to OP and de-OP a player on your Minecraft server.
Join the Minecraft server, and open the in game chat.
Enter /difficulty <peaceful | easy | normal | hard> in the chat to change the difficulty. Once entered, the server will tell you the difficulty changed.

Changing the difficulty via the server's properties
You can set the difficulty of newly generated worlds or the difficulty that the Minecraft server will use from now on.
Minecraft Java Edition
On the server's panel, go to the Properties Tab and change the value in the difficulty setting to peaceful, easy, normal, or `hard`(For older version of Minecraft Java, it would be 0 for peaceful, 1 for easy, 2 for normal` and 3 for hard).

Restart the Minecraft server.
Minecraft Bedrock Edition
On the server's panel, go to the Startup Tab and change the value in the difficulty setting to peaceful, easy, normal, or hard.

Restart the Minecraft server.
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Feel free to open a ticket with our support team!
Updated on: 02/02/2025
Thank you!