Articles on: Minecraft

How to install and use Spark to create a timings report (Forge/Fabric)

If your modded server is experiencing lag, Spark can help pinpoint the cause. This guide will explain how to install Spark and create a timings report for a forge/fabric modded server.

How to install Spark

Download and Install Spark

Go to the downloads webpage of the Spark mod, and search for your current Minecraft server version, also, check if that Spark release is the one correct for your server software (Fabric or Forge).

As shown here, if it is for Forge or Fabric, and at the end, the Minecraft Version.

After downloading the mod, search your file manager, located at the right hand corner of the panel.

Then head over to your mods folder, and drop the mod folder there.

After doing this, restart your server at the console.

How to use Spark

After doing the installation process, please write “spark profiler” in the console, as shown on the image.

Wait for 10 minutes after this command, and then do “spark profiler –stop”

You will be provided a link in the console, after clicking it you will be redirected to a page with your tick times report.

Reading the Profiler / Assistance

If you currently are in a ticket due to server lag, feel free to hand over the timings report link to our staff team, otherwise, a deep explanation of the profiler can be found at the Spark documentation.

If you require any further assistance, please create a ticket here.

Created By: Daniel R.

Updated on: 27/08/2024

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