Articles on: Minecraft

How to set up a BungeeCord server

BungeeCord is a piece of server proxy software that allows server owners to link Minecraft servers together so that players can jump between servers without having to disconnect and reconnect.

Warning: Please note that you will need to have a separate server for the BungeeCord proxy to run on! You CANNOT run BungeeCord and a server on 1 server!

How To Install BungeeCord

Firstly, Head over to the “Versions” tab on the left-hand side.

Once on the “Versions” tab, select the “BungeeCord” option and click the green “Install” button.

If you want to fully reset the server, click the “Don’t Delete Files” button. This will turn the button red. THIS WILL ERASE ALL DATA!

Head over to the “Console” tab and click on the “Start” button. This will allow bungeecord to generate its files.

How to Configure BungeeCord

Head over to one of the servers that you would like to link together. In this case, It is a normal spigot survival server.

Go into the “File Manager” and find the “spigot.yml” file. This is usually located in the root of the server (Where the server.jar is located at)

Click on the “spigot.yml” file. Find the line bungeecord: false and replace false with true.



Once complete, Head back to the “File Manager” tab and find the “” file.

Click on the file and find the line online-mode=true. Replace true with false. Don’t worry. You still will be able to only allow premium players in the bungeecord config file instead!



Head back to the bungeecord config file (config.yml) and find the servers section.

Fill out the necessary details required.

Rename “lobby” to the server that you would like to call it. For example “smp” or “bedwars”. This will be used as an identifier when connecting to the server. (E.g /server smp).

Set the MOTD to one which you would like it to be set as. We will leave it as it is.

Set the address to the server address. You are able to see this on the console page of the spigot / paper server.

The Restricted option prevents players from joining the server unless they have the bungeecord.server.<serverName> permission. Of course, Replace <serverName> with the server name that you have
defined in the bungeecord config file

The finished result should be similar to the screenshot below.

Set the MOTD for the bungeecord server. This MOTD will be shown instead of the MOTD set on the Spigot Servers. In this case, we will leave it default.

Now we need to set the priorities. When a player connects for the first time or if force_default_server is enabled then BungeeCord goes through this list of servers from top to bottom and tries to forward the connection to each of them. So if you would like to support multiple client versions, simply specify at least one server per version and BungeeCord will do the matching for you.

In this example, we will simply set this as smp.

Find the host setting. Change the port number to the port number that has been assigned on your server. You are able to see the port which is assigned to your server in the “Network” tab.

The port is a 5-digit number. The port you should use is the port that has been marked as “primary”.

Copy the port number and head back to the BungeeCord config file in the file manager and edit the host.



If you are running an online server (premium players), Find the ip_forward setting and set this to true. IP forwarding must be manually enabled on both the proxy and Spigot to ensure that your users IP address shows the true value and that your spigot servers get online-mode UUIDs.



Finally, Restart Both the BungeeCord server and the Spigot server. Connect to the server using the BungeeCord IP address NOT the spigot server IP!

If you require any further assistance, please create a ticket here.

Created By: Greg K.

Updated on: 22/12/2022

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