Articles on: Game Hosting

How to optimise your Palworld server

Optimizing Your Palworld Server: A Comprehensive Guide

If you've recently acquired a Palworld server and want to enhance its performance, this comprehensive guide will help you make the necessary adjustments. Follow these instructions to ensure a smoother experience for both you and your fellow players.

Step 1: Reinstalling the Server

The first thing you should do to optimize your Palworld server is to perform a reinstall. This process will address issues with the PalWorldSettings.ini file and properly configure the properties tab. Follow these steps:

Access the settings tab in your control panel.
Scroll down to locate the "Reinstall" button.
Ensure that the "Wipe and Reinstall" option is disabled (unchecked).
Click the "Reinstall" button.

The server will undergo modifications in the PalWorldSettings.ini file, fixing any issues and optimizing its performance.

Step 2: Further Optimization

For additional server optimization, follow these steps:

After the reinstallation is complete, check the properties tab in your server control panel.
In the properties tab, find the settings for bEnableInvaderEnemy and bEnableNonLoginPenalty.
Set both values to False to reduce RAM consumption and ensure smoother performance.
Save your changes.

Additional Information

- If you purchased your server before February 1st and need to make immediate changes, utilize the "Reinstall" option as described in Step 1. Remember to keep the "Wipe and Reinstall" option disabled to avoid data loss.

For any additional questions or assistance, don't hesitate to reach out by creating a support ticket here.

Created By: Cayden D.

This guide will help you maximize the performance of your Palworld server, ensuring an optimal gaming experience for you and your fellow players.

Updated on: 17/05/2024

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