Articles on: Game Hosting

My Palworld config is not showing in the properties tab.

Fixing Missing PalWorld Config in Properties Tab

If you're encountering the issue where your PalWorld config isn't showing up in the properties tab, don't worry – we have a solution for you. Follow these steps to resolve the problem and gain access to your PalWorld settings:

Step 1: Identifying the Issue

You may encounter an error message showing that your PalWorldSettings.ini file does not exist or is empty. To address this issue, follow the steps below.

Step 2: Reinstalling to Restore PalWorldSettings.ini

To restore your PalWorldSettings.ini file and make it visible in the properties tab, follow these instructions:

Navigate to the settings tab in your server control panel.
Look for an option to reinstall.
Ensure that the "Wipe and Reinstall" option is disabled (unchecked).
Press Reinstall!

This action will run an installation script that resets the PalWorldSettings.ini file located in the Pal folder. After the reinstallation, you'll be able to access and edit your PalWorld settings using an INI editor.

Remember to keep the "Wipe and Reinstall" option disabled to prevent data loss.

Additional Information

- If you encounter any issues during this process or need further assistance, don't hesitate to create a support ticket here.

For any additional questions or assistance, please reach out by creating a support ticket here.

Created By: Cayden D.

This guide will help you resolve the issue of missing PalWorld settings in the properties tab, ensuring you have full control over your server configurations.

Updated on: 03/02/2024

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