Articles on: General

How to Import/Export a database using PHPMyAdmin

You may want to import or export a database for various reasons. This article will teach you how to Import/Export a database using PHPMyAdmin!

Table of Contents

Accessing PHPMyAdmin
Exporting a Database
Importing a Database

Accessing PHPMyAdmin

On the left-hand side, click "Databases".

Click on the hammer icon to open PHPMyAdmin

Enter the correct credentials into the login form. If you do not know the credentials, click the eye icon next to the database in the Apollo panel. Once completed, click "Login".

Exporting a Database

Click on the database that you would like to export. In this case, we will use s78993_LuckPerms.

At the top, click the "Export" button.

You will need to fill out the following information:

Export Method - In this case, we will be using "Quick".
Format - In this case, we will be using "SQL"

Once completed, click "Export".

It will now export the database and all the tables included in the .sql file format.

Importing a Database

On the database that you would like to import to, select "Import".

Select the file that you would like to import. We will be using a .sql file. You can also use compressed files my name the file extension

If needed, select the format that you are using;.

Click the "Import" button.

If successful, It will now import the rows into the database of choice.

If you require any further assistance, please create a ticket here.

Created By: Greg K.

Updated on: 12/02/2023

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