How to cancel your cancellation request for your service
Did you make a mistake cancelling your service or changed your mind and decided to stay?
Head over the Billing Dashboard and click "Services" and then "My Services".
Then click to the service that you would like to cancel. On the left hand side, Click “Cancel Cancellation Request”.
A ticket is automatically opened for you where one of our support representatives will remove the cancellation request and respond to notify you of the change. You can view your open tickets here
If you require any further assistance, please create a ticket here.
Created By: Shiva R.
How to cancel your cancellation request for your service
Head over the Billing Dashboard and click "Services" and then "My Services".
Then click to the service that you would like to cancel. On the left hand side, Click “Cancel Cancellation Request”.
A ticket is automatically opened for you where one of our support representatives will remove the cancellation request and respond to notify you of the change. You can view your open tickets here
If you require any further assistance, please create a ticket here.
Created By: Shiva R.
Updated on: 29/02/2024
Thank you!